Gladwell has been a leading institution in advocating and bringing about Agile Transformations since more than 8 years. We have done so through our scheduled courses, through in-company trainings at globally operating businesses, and on dedicated consulting assignments. Gladwell is proud to be a Highberg Group company. The Highberg Group is constituted of Blinklane Consulting, VKA, House of Performance, Schickler and Gladwell and focusses on transformation processes at the forefront of business agility, data, IT and privacy. With its in-house expertise, the Highberg Group offers full spectrum business transformations. Ranging from knowledge transfer to direct implementation and process optimizing, through training, coaching and consulting. The range of courses and services offered at Gladwell, as well as the amplitude of ways to ensure individuals and businesses continue to grow and stay ahead of the competition, has established Gladwell’s authority in Agile Transformations.